Difference between Splitter and Multiswitch

The Difference between Splitter and Multiswitch

Splitter and multiswitch are both devices used in satellite TV signal distribution systems, but they serve different purposes and have distinct functionalities. Here are the key differences between them:

The Difference between Splitter and Multiswitch

(S=splitter, M=multiswitch)


S: A satellite splitter is a simple device that takes a single input signal and divides it into multiple output signals. It evenly distributes the incoming signal strength to all output ports, effectively splitting the signal.

M: A satellite multi switch, on the other hand, is a more sophisticated device that allows for the distribution of multiple satellite signals to multiple receivers. It typically supports multiple inputs (from different satellites) and outputs (to different receivers or locations), enabling users to switch between satellite feeds.

Number of Inputs and Outputs:

S: Usually has one input port and multiple output ports. The number of output ports determines how many devices can receive the split signal.

M: Has multiple input ports (from different satellites) and multiple output ports (to different receivers). The number of inputs and outputs depends on the multi switch model and its intended use.

Signal Distribution:

S: Distributes the same signal to all output ports with equal strength. It does not provide the ability to choose or switch between different signals.

M: Allows users to select and distribute signals from different satellites to different receivers or devices. Users can typically switch between different satellite feeds.

Switching Capability:

S: Does not have switching capabilities. It divides the input signal and simultaneously sends it to all output ports.

M: Provides the ability to switch between different satellite signals. Users can choose which satellite feed they want to receive at a given time.

Use Case:

S: Commonly used in simple signal distribution scenarios where the same signal needs to be sent to multiple devices, such as in cable TV or antenna systems.

M: Used in more complex satellite TV systems involving multiple satellites, and users want the flexibility to choose different channels or feeds.

In summary, while both devices are used in signal distribution systems, a splitter is essential for dividing a signal into multiple outputs. At the same time, a multiswitch is a more advanced device that allows for the distribution and switching of multiple satellite TV signals to different receivers or locations.